More than a broadcast CG and graphics playout

Powerful, multilayer, multichannel, reliable and incredibly easy to use.

Live titling and media playout the way you expect it LiveBoard is the choice of thousands of professionals around the world who all have in common the same need: sending on air real-time graphics and media contents in broadcast quality.

What is LiveBoard?

LiveBoard is the ideal environment for the advanced management of audio, video contents and live graphics. It not only is a simple playout of graphic templates, but also an advanced system that allows the synchronous execution of data-driven graphics, video clips, tickers, count-downs, images, logo ect..
LiveBoard integrates the most advanced technologies developed by ClassX in a complete, frame-based, advanced graphic engine capable of managing the multiple broadcast of more than one graphic template made with ClassX graphic template editors CastaliaCG, MoreCG and CoralCG and with the contribution of the advanced suite of plugins directly available in LiveBoard. The special graphic interface allows the user to exploit the whole potential of this Solution easily in a short time.

There are various versions of LiveBoard available, you can refer to the comparative table below for more information

Up to 4 independent, asynchronous channels play out in Fill + Key from one graphic user interface, in one workstation.

LiveBoard is a proficient software to be used in those productions that need to show precise and reliable instant dynamic graphic contents for LIVE Sports events, News editions, Talk Shows, Presentations and any production that needs to be managed in real-time. LiveBoard has unique features in terms of quality, flexibility and usability; it is one of the few software in its category that allows the simultaneous playback of multiple graphic templates and plugins.

Smooth graphics

LiveBoard creates smooth graphics with embedded audio in real-time in Key and Fill. All members of the LiveBoard family are able to play out real-time live broadcast-quality graphics in perfectly blended transparency.

Professional media playout tool

Every LiveBoard edition also is aprofessional tool for playing out most of the existing video codecs. Audio and video are processed synchronously in input and output. Endless layers of video and images are supported; moreover they can be cropped, resized, squeezed, made transparent etc.

Edition comparison: LiveBoard features

Click on the button to download a PDF file with the LiveBoard comparisons 

LiveBoard concepts


The intuitive interface of LiveBoard can handle in one sole instance up to 4 separate F+K channels , in the usual operator-friendly way proposed by our engineers.


Functional in every production and broadcast environment, LiveBoard is a scalable solution that allows the use of ClassX broadcast graphics in smallest to hugest facilities.


Very interesting quality/price ratio, for a solution that offers high-end graphics output at a medium price range.

Learning Curve

Quick to learn, intuitive interface, fast operations, operator-friendly and fun to use. These are the most common feedback comments received from our customers, graphic technicians and operators.

Remotely controllable

You may control LiveBoard with the freely available LBControl over TCP/IP either with ClassX tools or with your own application, ask us for our free SDK.

Custom Development

ClassX is a Software House and our core business is the development of newest and best solutions for the broadcast graphics industry. Our engineers are ready to work on custom applications, solutions and integrations.


Frame-accurate and pixel-perfect are the most used adjectives when addressing LiveBoard's graphic engine.

Guarantee on investment

ClassX is a software house with 30+ years of experience in the broadcast graphics industry. We value the customer's old licenses that can always be upgraded. Support and updates are always available.

Integration - free SDK

LiveBoard fits into any workflow due to its flexible design and is easily integrated with other products. Try out our well-documented SDK and integrate LiveBoard into your application.


  • GPU and CPU are well exploited so that the supporting hardware doesn't need to be "all muscles" and has a long working life
  • Always up-to-date with OS and drivers

Project import/export

No fancy tricks needed for transferring even monstrously heavy projects in your pen-drive or ftp-transfer: ProjectPacker packs every single detail, font, asset and setting of the LiveBoard project, ready to be used anywhere over the world on another LiveBoard.


An extremely stable solution designed for durable performance. 24/7 work and 10 years of average life of LBStations are facts.

Graphics & media

Not only real-time data-driven graphics but also a simple solution for airing any media type that you might need in your broadcast, in any size and any form.


Switching to LiveBoard and migrating projects from previous solutions is painless and our support team will help with getting started.

Support and CMA (SLA)

Support teams coordinate to help ClassX users in all minor and major issues they may encounter. ClassX solutions are guaranteed to be forever-young with our SLA called CMA: this service allows to update licenses and software versions to the latest available, along with the priority-support.